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About Me

Hello!  My name is Daniele and I am mother to a gaggle of girls!  Ok, I only have three, but I do believe a gaggle is more than two, so there you have it!  I stay at home and mother my children, laugh, and tickle the baby, (well I try to tickle them all, but they are all grown up and stuff!) and try to keep the house from total destruction.  I am in love with mixed media collage, scrapbooking, and photography.  I have been published six times so far in Somerset Memories, and aspire to create new pieces for more Somerset publications. I am always learning and always striving to be better, at everything, but it is a slow journey as my life is all about my family, even though they make me completely crazy!

I created this new blog to share, network, learn and explore the world of art.

My favorite one of me and babe! Complete Love!