First off, and this takes on 100% of my every speck of time and patience, I am just trying to get through Paige at 21 months! No kidding. She seriously is sucking the life out of me, and if I survive, I will then know that I can do anything!
Second, I am always, ever so slowly, working on 2007 family album. Here is a pic of the second half of the year, and I believe I will be done with it in the next moth or so...maybe!
I am also working on four mini albums. This one pictures here below is made from paper and fabric scraps, and is all about Kelsey and Aspergers. This has been a my personal therapy. Two are about me, and The last one is my very favorite of all, pregnancy book of Paige. This one is turning out amazing, and I might finish it in five or so years!
Remember this?
Well, I am at the lids again. Here is a peak. Hopefully, it will be done in a week or so! The Theme?
We have too many coke cans in our recycling bin. These are going to be wired into an old glassless frame, painted black. Husband is helping me!
and the biggest project I am squeezing in, is a scrappy quilt for my Madison. Her birthday is in May, and she will be 9 (holy no way!) and I wanted to do something really special, and really her. All the material are scraps, baby clothes etc. I am really excited, and really hope I can finish it in time. No fotos yet, but I can't wait to see this come to life.
And on a home note, we just had our Spring Break. We had a few outings and such, but the highlight was we built a fort in our living room, and the girls camped out. Each night we had a different camping treat, smores and such, and the girls were giddy with happy camping-in-our-living-room times!
and for a few quick snapshots...
Maddy took to her own sewing project!
I love watching my almost 9 year old sew!
The campsite!
Madison's finished project. A scarf. This is what she wore on an outing. She looked way too cute!
They watched movies while camping. They camped 3 or 4 nights. Can't remember. And it was warm too!