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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Where have I been?

well, here.  This girl is killing me.  There hasn't been too many fun moments this week.  Tantrums.  more tantrums.  Crying...I don't know why.  Tantrums.  Laundry.  People keep wanting things from me. I can't.  Sometimes I wish I really were a recluse, then perhaps, I would be left alone.  Hope babe finds some peace, because I am getting lost.

The weather has been cold and windy.  It's been two days of being trapped.  I think baby needs to get out.  She is so happy outside. Dirt!  The greatest joy!  Best yet...dirt, and a hose.  As much as I don't like the warm weather, I need it.  When the girls are outside, all is ok.

Sunday I did get out however...alone. (amazing)  Right before I left I took a quick me shot, which happily included my camera strap, totally vintage, from my mom's hippy days traveling Europe.  Alan fixed it for me, and now I sport true vintage!  Thanks Mama.

I do look a little goofy!  ha. and I have paint all over my arm.  I usually do.


  1. you look adorable, paint & all!
    is it the baby eating your soul this time? i swear, when we want kids, we have no idea how hard our lives will become when that baby dream comes true!

  2. haha. Yes, the baby. I am truly at my limit. I think it is really time to let go of all those other baby dreams, so that they don't come true!

  3. I love this shot of you and I love that strap. I have my grandpa's.

  4. i let go of my baby dreams when brooke was 3 & i'm so glad i did. my life was plenty full as it was & i've never been sorry that i didn't have more, even though i never would have dreamed that i'd be raising an only child. it's okay to stop when your life feels too full already.

  5. You don't look goofy at all in that picture! TRAPPED. That is a good word. It's a word that comes up a lot in stay-at-home motherhood, though nobody really wants to point that out for fear of sounding ungrateful. Today it's a beautiful, sunny day, but it's COLD and this disguting surprise snow covering is hiding sheets of ice underneath. So, no playing (sick of snow) and no power walks.

  6. Trapped is a strong word indeed. I thought twice about writing it, and decided to speak how I feel. I think it's good to use strong words. They may be true at the moment, but don't reflect on how you feel in the whole picture! Parenting is hard. Children with AS are HARD. Toddlers are HARD! But all worth it, absolutely.


Hey you!!!